ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library

◆ inputBox()

uiMessageBoxResult inputBox ( char const *  title,
char const *  text,
char *  inOutString,
int  maxLength,
char const *  button1Text,
char const *  button2Text = nullptr 

Displays a modal dialog box with a text, a text edit and up to two buttons.

Pressing ENTER (RETURN) equals to press first button. Pressing ESC cancels the dialog box.

titleThe dialog box title. If nullptr the messagebox has no title bar
textThe message to be displayed
inOutStringInitial string of the text edit
maxLengthMaximum length of inOutString buffer (ending zero not included)
button1TextLeft button text
button2TextRight button text (may be nullptr, if not present)
Message box result

Definition at line 1180 of file fabui.cpp.