ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library
#include <ICMP.h>
ICMP Implementation.
Used to ping a network device using its IP or its host name.
fabgl::ICMP icmp; while (true) { // CTRL-C ? if (Terminal.available() && Terminal.read() == 0x03) break; int t = icmp.ping("www.fabgl.com"); if (t >= 0) { Terminal.printf("%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time=%.3f ms\r\n", icmp.receivedBytes(), icmp.hostIP().toString().c_str(), icmp.receivedSeq(), icmp.receivedTTL(), (double)t/1000.0); delay(1000); } else if (t == -2) { Terminal.printf("Cannot resolve %s: Unknown host\r\n", host); break; } else { Terminal.printf("Request timeout for icmp_seq %d\r\n", icmp.receivedSeq()); } }