Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- R : RGB222, RGB888, RGBA2222, RGBA8888
- ralt : AltVirtualKeyDef
- RALT : uiKeyEventInfo, VirtualKeyItem
- rangeColor : uiSliderStyle
- read() : I2C, Terminal
- readGPIO() : MCP23S17
- readPort() : MCP23S17
- readPort16() : MCP23S17
- readReg() : MCP23S17
- readReg16() : MCP23S17
- readScreen() : VGAController
- realtimeMoving : uiAppProps
- realtimeReshaping : uiAppProps
- rect() : uiWindow
- reduceLuminosity : GlyphOptions
- refreshSprites() : BitmappedDisplayController
- reload() : FileBrowser
- remountSDCard() : FileBrowser
- remountSPIFFS() : FileBrowser
- remove() : FileBrowser
- removeSprite() : CollisionDetector, Scene
- removeSprites() : BitmappedDisplayController
- rename() : FileBrowser
- repaint() : uiWindow
- repaintRect() : uiApp
- repaintWindow() : uiApp
- reqVirtualKey : AltVirtualKeyDef
- reset() : Canvas, Keyboard, Mouse, TFTController
- resetGlyphOptions() : Canvas
- resetPaintOptions() : Canvas
- reshapeWindow() : uiApp
- resizeable : uiFrameProps
- resizeWindow() : uiApp
- resumeBackgroundPrimitiveExecution() : BitmappedDisplayController, SSD1306Controller, TFTController, VGAController
- resumePort() : PS2Device
- right : MouseButtons, uiAnchors
- rootWindow() : uiApp
- RTSStatus() : Terminal
- run() : uiApp, VGADirectController
- runAsync() : uiApp