ESP32 Display Controller and Graphics Library
CAltVirtualKeyDef | Associates a virtualkey and various shift states (ctrl, alt, etc..) to another virtualkey |
▼CBaseDisplayController | Represents the base abstract class for all display controllers |
CBitmappedDisplayController | Represents the base abstract class for bitmapped display controllers |
▼CTextualDisplayController | Represents the base abstract class for textual display controllers |
CVGATextController | Represents the VGA text-only controller |
CBitmap | Represents an image |
CCanvas | A class with a set of drawing methods |
CCollisionDetector | A class to detect sprites collisions |
CCoreUsage | This class helps to choice a core for intensive processing tasks |
CCurrentVideoMode | This class helps to know which is the current video output (VGA or Composite) |
CCursor | Defines a cursor |
CDateTime | Represents date and time |
CDirItem | FileBrowser item specificator |
CDS3231 | DS3231 Real Time Clock driver |
CFileBrowser | FileBrowser allows basic file system operations (dir, mkdir, remove and rename) |
CGlyph | Represents a glyph position, size and binary data |
CGlyphOptions | Specifies various glyph painting options |
CI2C | I2C class allows multiple tasks to communicate with I2C devices, serializing read/write jobs |
Ci8080 | Intel 8080 CPU emulator |
CICMP | ICMP Implementation |
CInputBox | InputBox is an helper class which allows to create simple UI interfaces, like wizards or simple input boxes |
CKeyboardLayout | All in one structure to fully represent a keyboard layout |
CLineEditor | LineEditor is a single-line / multiple-rows editor which uses the Terminal object as input and output |
CMCP23S17 | MCP23S17 driver |
CMOS6502 | MOS 6502 CPU emulator |
CMouseButtons | Describes mouse buttons status |
CMouseDelta | Describes mouse movement and buttons status |
CMousePacket | Contains raw data received from mouse |
CMouseStatus | Describes mouse absolute position, scroll wheel delta and buttons status |
CPaintOptions | Specifies general paint options |
CPoint | Represents the coordinate of a point |
CPS2Controller | The PS2 device controller class |
▼CPS2Device | Base class for PS2 devices (like mouse or keyboard) |
CKeyboard | The PS2 Keyboard controller class |
CMouse | The PS2 Mouse controller class |
CRect | Represents a rectangle |
CRGB222 | Represents a 6 bit RGB color |
CRGB888 | Represents a 24 bit RGB color |
CRGBA2222 | Represents an 8 bit ABGR color |
CRGBA8888 | Represents a 32 bit RGBA color |
CScene | Scene is an abstract class useful to encapsulate functionalities of a scene (sprites, collision detector and updates) |
CSize | Represents a bidimensional size |
CSoundGenerator | SoundGenerator handles audio output |
CSprite | Represents a sprite |
CTerminal | An ANSI-VT100 compatible display terminal |
CTerminalController | TerminalController allows direct controlling of the Terminal object without using escape sequences |
CuiAnchors | Contains anchors enable/disable switches |
CuiAppProps | Properties of the application |
CuiButtonStyle | Contains the button style |
CuiCheckBoxStyle | Contains the checkbox style |
CuiComboBoxProps | Properties of the combobox |
CuiComboBoxStyle | Contains the listbox style |
CuiFrameProps | Properties of the frame |
CuiFrameState | Specifies current frame state |
CuiFrameStyle | |
CuiImageStyle | Contains the image style |
CuiKeyEventInfo | Contains details about the key event |
CuiLabelStyle | Contains the label style |
CuiListBoxProps | Properties of the list box |
CuiListBoxStyle | Contains the listbox style |
CuiMouseEventInfo | Contains details about the mouse event |
▼CuiObject | Base class of all UI elements like windows and controls |
▼CuiEvtHandler | Base class of all UI elements that can receive events |
CuiApp | Represents the whole application base class |
▼CuiWindow | Base class for all visible UI elements (Frames and Controls) |
►CuiControl | This is the base class for all controls. A control can have focus and is not activable |
CuiFrame | A frame is a window with a title bar, maximize/minimize/close buttons and that is resizeable or moveable |
CuiObjectType | Specifies the object type |
CuiPaintBoxStyle | Contains the paintbox style |
CuiPanelStyle | Contains the panel style |
CuiProgressBarProps | Properties of the progress bar |
CuiProgressBarStyle | Contains the progress bar style |
CuiScrollableControlStyle | Contains the scrollable control style |
CuiSliderStyle | Contains the slider style |
CuiStaticLabelStyle | Contains the label style |
CuiTextEditProps | Properties of the text edit |
CuiTextEditStyle | Sets or gets text edit style |
CuiWindowProps | Contains some window options |
CuiWindowState | Specifies current window state |
CuiWindowStyle | Contains the window style |
CVGATimings | Specifies the VGA timings. This is a modeline decoded |
CVIA6522 | VIA 6522 emulator |
CVirtualKeyDef | Associates scancode to virtualkey |
CVirtualKeyItem | A struct which contains a virtual key, key state and associated scan code |
▼CWaveformGenerator | Base abstract class for waveform generators. A waveform generator can be seen as an audio channel that will be mixed by SoundGenerator |
CNoiseWaveformGenerator | Noise generator |
CSamplesGenerator | Samples generator |
CSawtoothWaveformGenerator | Sawtooth waveform generator |
CSineWaveformGenerator | Sine waveform generator |
CSquareWaveformGenerator | Square waveform generator |
CTriangleWaveformGenerator | Triangle waveform generator |
CVICNoiseGenerator | Emulates VIC6561 (VIC20) noise generator |
CZ80 | Zilog Z80 CPU emulator |